Friday, February 16, 2007

...maybe someday....

In the article Italian court indicts CIA agents over rendition case it states, "This is the first time that the United States' controversial 'extraordinary rendition' practice, part of President George W Bush's global 'war on terror,' is being made accountable to European law". Hopefully, someday this can be said about US law, as well...


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sunday, February 11, 2007

...well I guess that about sums it up...

Here's a very interesting video providing a thinking and feeling interpretation on current events. The incredible irony is this song was written two decades ago. That's right - written over two decades ago...when will we waken?

Lives in the Balance...


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Just say "No"!

For all of us concerned about the prudence and legality of unilateral unprovoked preemptive warfare, here is a story to follow... A Mistrial for Lieutenant Watada. Stay tuned to this one...the implications could be very far reaching if the case is pursued.


Sunday, February 04, 2007

And so it begins....

From the "Say It Isn't So" Department, Iranian nuclear scientist ‘assassinated by Mossad’. I hope this is not true, but I am probably going to be disappointed by the Truth once again.

