Breaking News. I am seeing Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan posturing and positioning for a presidential possibility. I am conjecturing that he is likely to be declared nominee at the contested GOP convention. Today he delivered an excellent speech on the subject of "
The State of American Politics". I think Paul Ryan will likely be the GOP 2016 Presidential nominee as the adults in the GOP will not allow our country to be "led" by any of the current contestants. I just don't see it happening.
In related Presidential General Election developments, Secretary Clinton delivers a
prepared speech at Stanford on counterterrorism and homeland security. While she is not the most skilled speaker the speech was well written, sane and balanced. While she didn't address the reality of how the world has come to have terrorism as such a prescient and pressing concern, she did present a rational approach to move forward from here.
No candidate has yet spoken to the role played by the powerful nation states in participating in terror and thereby provoking and promoting the horrible murder of innocents we see all too often. But maybe that time is being brought to us now. After all, Hilary has already long
admitted that the US created the post modern terror organizations by arming the resistance to the Soviet Unions invasion of Afghanistan.
Only One Day is back. You will have more to read from topbop! soon.
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