Are our physical selves... our bodies, in reality, a uniquely enhanced animal?
What do you think?
The physical body is an animal, albeit one unique and specialized.... adapted to support a bi-directional and extraordinarily rich interface with the spiritual triumvirate.
So here is my attempt to share with you, dear reader, what came to me this morning ...
Realize yourself first in your spirit selves and come to know what and who you truly are. Next to begin to fully hydrate and enliven your life, come to know that the inherent purity and brilliance of the pure spirit, through its spirit nature, is capable of remarkable manifestations in your own life, indeed direct realization of your most heartfelt dreams and more. Much of what is required of you on the path to full manifestation of your human potential is an unwavering focus on nurturing the balanced, healthy and harmonious interplay of the three spirit entities that comprise your spiritual self. With that degree of humanness comfortably established, pursue a laser sharp intense focus of your innermost attention lovingly towards your super-conscious, and heed its every thought-message. The challenge then is getting the physical self to effectively and efficiently at least, stay out of your way and allow your spirit self to manifest the modification of your situation to congruence with your vision of what needs to be, that is, your dreams ... then complete the launch of your fully instantiated human self by actually leveraging your physical self as an eager and willing collaborator in your human being.
I am suggesting, therefore, that we refer to the response to this challenge as, "Taming your body... your physical self .... " akin to the animal training that is part and parcel of one on man's most common inter-species proclivities, the domesticated personal pet ...
... any comments? I expect I will revisit this in more depth in future posts ....
peAce ...